Printable Courses
Beginners Level Courses
At this level the course will be straight.
Equipment that can be used:
- Flyball Pattern Jumps
- Agility Hurdles
- Bendy Tunnel
- Long Jump
Obstacles are to be a minimum of 4.0m apart.
Dogs may not compete at this level if they have accumulated 20 grading points. Points awarded at this level will be Beginner points.
Intermediate Level Courses
At this level, once change of direction is permissible but only by way of a bendy tunnel. The change of direction will not be less than 150degrees (ie: referring to a clock face, running from 6 towards 12, the change cannot be greater than turning right to 1 or left to 11.
Equipment that can be used:
- Flyball Pattern Jumps
- Agility Hurdles
- Bendy Tunnel
- Long Jump
- Ramp with Hoops
Obstacles are to be a minimum of 4.0m apart.
Dogs with less than 50 grading points may compete at this level. Points awarded will be Intermediate points.
Senior Level Courses
At this level, there may be two changes of direction with or without use of the bendy tunnel. Any single change of direction will not be less than 120 degrees (clock face, running from 6 to 12, the change cannot be greater than turning right to 2 or left to 10.) unless the bendy tunnel is used as the corner, in which case, the corner can be as sharp as 90 degrees.
Courses at this level shall not be mirrored ie the layout shall be the same in each lane.
Equipment that can be used:
- Flyball Pattern Jumps
- Agility Hurdles
- Bendy Tunnel
- Long Jump
- Ramp with Hoops
- Weave Pooles
Obstacles are to be a minimum of 4.0m apart.
Dogs with 20 or more grading points may compete at this level. Points awarded will be Senior points.
Advanced Level Courses
The only limitation on the complexity of this level of competition is the equipment available, the practicality of setting out two equal courses and, of course, the safety of the dogs.
Courses at this level shall not be mirrored.
Equipment that can be used:
- Flyball Pattern Jumps
- Agility Hurdles
- Bendy Tunnel
- Long Jump
- Ramp with Hoops
- Weave Pooles
Obstacles are to be a minimum of 4.0m apart.
Dogs with 50 or more grading points may compete at this level. Points awarded will be Advanced points.